Here is a small prayer list, we will add to it as we have time.
We hope this will help you know how to pray for us and what to pray for!

Chompoo and her family as they continue to grow together and have more children, that they will follow where the Lord leads.

Pray for Kartune and her family. That they will all Love and live for the Lord

Pray for Sam at college! Help him to what's right in the sight of the Lord!

Preaw has moved out and is finally able to rest in God's love as well ours. Pray for wisdom for her as she is on her own. Pray for Preaw as she looks to finish her first year of college at Ramkhamhaeng University. Pray that she has to concentration to complete everything she needs to!

Update 2/28/25: We have been advised doing what we do in Chiang mai will be hard in Khon Kaen. Pray for guidance again. STILL PRAYING 5/26/24 UPDATE 1/1/25: We have land and are hoping to start a fundraiser to build!

Pray for Sarah - She has had some family issues and it has given her an unteachable spirit! UPDATE 2/28/25 - Huge growth in Sarah over the last month, God is answering prayers! UPDATE: As Sarah grows and feels more love she is becoming better and better at listening and obeying.

ANSWERED: It didn't work :( Keep praying for her UPDATE 2/28/25: She is doing better but is on oxygen 24/7 now. The drs said the drugs we gave her(pulmozyme) are a miracle. Praying for answers long term. UPDATE: I am working to get Phages for her. Pray that the Dr is willing to do it and everything can work out to save her life.

Pray for Kartun and her baby, Yayee!! UPDATE: She is under a year old and their family is awesome!
ANSWERED: We dedicated to perfecting what we are doing with the kids we have now before we add more! UPDATE: It's been over a year and the kids are fitting in perfectly!

UPDATE 2/28/25 - Amazed by her growth. She can now multiply and divide! I never thought she would get here. UPDATE:1/1/25 - She is doing so much better, and she is becoming much happier! UPDATE 5/26/24: She is making progress and growing! Still not "normal" but making great progress!

UPDATE 5/26/24 - Still praying UPDATE 1/1/25 - They have started talking about how to take God seriously in their lives and how to decide if they want to get baptized.
UPDATE 2/28/25 - They have tests again in 5 days!!! Pray they pass! ANSWERED: THEY ALL PASSED!!! UPDATE: We have another one coming up soon!

Khadija's life UPDATE - She is getting great results from Trikafta - pray we get more - her lung function is out of transplant range which is amazing!!! Update 1/1/25 - She is doing better but with such damage life is still not easy.

UPDATE 5/26/24 - They feel loved and are growing because of it. Please keep praying for us! UPDATE 1/1/25 - We are doing a good job! Praise God! 8 kids isn't a cake walk.

Healing - All in the process, including Evangeleen! UPDATE 1/1/25 - Healing is coming along great!